So I was trying to keep casting on for Levens for the Ravelympics, but then a big delivery of yarn I ordered arrived, and one thing led to another and Levens just seemed to happen… What can I say, I’m just fickle like that.
Currently about a third of the way through. I’m using a much lighter weight yarn and therefore am obviously waay out on gauge so I’m winging it for now. My gauge is probably still too loose for the yarn I’m using, but I’m quite liking the light airiness of it. Right now however, I am torn between sticking with the 3 ruched panels and just working them for longer, or whether to add 2 more. Ho hum.
The other project currently on the needles (I’m not counting the tea cozy, it' seems to be permanently on the needles) is the toe up socks I cast on while I should have been revising. It’s my first pair knit toe-up, and to be honest my patience with them is starting to wear a little thin. Whilst I quite enjoyed the cast on (Judy’s Magic Cast-on) and the foot and like the idea of being able to try them on as you go, I seem to be stumbling at the heel. This will be the third attempt at the heel. The first time there weren’t enough gusset stitches so it was a bit too tight, this time it’s because it’s too big, presumably because I’ve started the gusset increases too late. Here’s hoping the third time is the charm, because frankly I’m starting to feel a bit like the Goldilocks of toe-up socks.
For the moment though, they’re banished to the naughty corner.
Ooh, as an aside I’ve been playing with my new needle felting kit, and have made the Boy a little Valentines card. Needle felting is rather addictive.
I think it’s safe to post a photo because I don’t think he reads this…
What a sap :P