I can’t believe it’s been over 6 weeks since my last post! I hope you’ve all had a fantastic festive season. My December blogging kind of fell by the wayside. I got caught up in some last minute job interviews, went on a training placement, then my Aunt had quite a severe stroke and sadly passed away the weekend before Christmas, so the blog was a little far from my mind.
I also have much to catch up on with my blog reader. The number of unread posts is obscene!
I’m going to have to some serious speed reading to catch up with it all!
Anyhoo, the blog might’ve been a little quiet, but the needles haven’t been so I do have a few FO’s to share. I think I might space them out over a few posts though rather than doing a mammoth post now. Especially since I’m desperately trying to finish a lace shawl for my boyfriends Mum so that I can give it to her tomorrow!
For today though, just a little light blocking transformation.
I finished Levens yonks ago (on February 19th 2010, to be exact!), and I have absolutely no idea whether I actually blocked it or not. The yarn has quite a high acrylic content, so if I did wet block it, it clearly didn’t work very well as the ends have always curled up. A lot. As much as I love this scarf, that’s always kind of bugged me, so when I was doing some ironing on Sunday I grabbed the scarf, a handful of pins, and steam blocked the heck out of it. You’ve got to love steam blocking for instant gratification! The scarf has now gone from this: To this:
Ahh, much better. Now you can actually see the lace edging!